The Great (Long Staircase) Wall of China!

Authored By:

Margot Pinckney

Our adventurers tackled the great wall of China! Tova bemoaned the entire experience and Connor was ready to do it for at least another week. Ana and Leilani were in good spirits and we all enjoyed the picturesque landscape and class of Chinese elementary school kids who were happy to practice their English with us. Connor even got to practice a little of his Chinese! Of course, all our legs will be aching tomorrow. The Great Wall really is a series of staircases – this is especially true of Jinshanling, the section we climbed today. Still, according to Leilani, it was “worth it!”

Tonight, we sleep in the mountains. The food is home made and delicious. The weather is warm (but thankfully not too hot), and tomorrow begins our student takeover of the blog. Stay tuned to hear directly from our superstar Discoverers!