Getting to Know Berlin!

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Kristina Palacios

On Tuesday, we ventured into the heart of Berlin for an overview of some of Berlin's most famous landmarks, beginning with the Brandenburg Gate.  Was that really a giant Panda dancing in the square? Tourists took turns getting their pictures with the furry character until the polizei came and chased him away.  Then, our cohort of 41 students broke into two groups for a walking tour through the city center.  One guide spoke mostly German, and some English for the students with higher proficiency, and the other group heard stories and descriptions in mostly English.  There was so much to see and take in, but this day would feature only the highlights.  Time will come for some deeper dives into the rich history, landmarks, museums and activities in this vibrant city.  On Friday, we will visit the Olympic Stadium (on the eve of the international Special Olympics...Lucky us: we were fortunate to get the very last tour available!) and on Saturday, it's off to Potsdam, a short day trip just outside of Berlin.  

Photo for blog post Getting to Know Berlin!

As we round out the end of the first week, the students are beginning to settle into their language classes.  They have been working on their language projects for the first week, preparing to introduce themselves to each other.  Under the guidance of their German instructors, the teens are digging into new vocabulary and patterns of grammar. In the afternoons, they practice what they learn by interacting with each other, with their teachers, and with the program leaders, aka "PLs": Jeanelle, Ry, Courtney, Theresia and Kristina. The challenge then becomes putting the language to use in the Community Conversations; this is the daily task of using German with the locals in the afternoons. In the evenings, the language immersion continues with their host families in the evenings.

All the PLs agree: we have an amazing group of kids: motivated, friendly, generous and ready for adventure. Week 1 has already been an Abenteuer (adventure), and we can't wait for the fun and learning to continue. 

Photo for blog post Getting to Know Berlin!

Photo for blog post Getting to Know Berlin!

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Photo for blog post Getting to Know Berlin!