First Half Recap: Lucy’s Lens

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Art-Making in Prague's Creative Studios

Authored By:

Courtney Kobos

Prague Arts First Half Recap

A guest post by Lucy 

In the gallery of this post, you can view some of Lucy's favorite photos that she has captured so far. Lucy can always be spotted with her camera in hand!

At first glance the beautiful city of Prague might seem overwhelming, but look a little further and you can see the things that make it special. The amazing culture permeates through the astounding architecture of the churches and buildings, even the cobblestones making up the streets. The markets are filled with fresh fruit and handmade jewelry. 


We spent the first week of our art classes focusing on different printmaking techniques, carving into lino and even plastic sheets to create interesting designs. We even finished the week by printing one of our designs on a tote bag. Other activities included painting mugs with enamel and a painting workshop in the park, where we studied natural subjects such as the trees to incorporate into our drawings and paintings.

-- Lucy

Our day trip to Kutná Hora on Saturday brought attention to the other side of Czech life, outside of the city. As our tour guide explained the deep history of the buildings and churches there, we walked through the town streets and pathways and were filled with inspiration for our next art activity. In Kutná Hora, we visited GASK, or the Central Bohemian Gallery, and as we walked around the art museum we explored contrasting emotions such as courage and fear in order to create an artwork based on an emotion through spray paint.


The second week we began studying painting in our morning classes, and became much more familiar with both the city of Prague and its history. In our Czech cooking class we made traditional foods and bonded with friends, and a few days later we attended the ballet in our formal wear. Getting dressed up for the ballet was very exciting and it's hard to believe week 2 is almost over!