First few days in Shanghai

Authored By:

Meilyn Asuncion

Photo for blog post First few days in Shanghai
Photo for blog post First few days in Shanghai

The very first introduction to the campus and learning about some aspects of Shanghai was very fun and interesting. On the trip I learned about shops near or on the campus, some stories about the campus, and I met a lot of new people.

Photo for blog post First few days in Shanghai

During the presentation I learned about problems I need to look out for, how to concur home sickness, and various activities that are planned for us students. Overall the next four weeks appear that they will be extravagant and entertaining. In conclusion, I am looking forward to rest of time I will spend with my fellow students and staff.

Photo for blog post First few days in Shanghai

Written By: Alexander Kovac 

Carmel High School (Carmel, California)