Final Farewells and Presentations

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Climate Change Mitigation

Authored By:

Roseangela Hartford

As we wrap up our time in Monteverde, each student prepared and crafted an analytical presentation based on the "Building a Sustainable Planet" topics. Each independent presentation was approximately 10 minutes in duration and answered the primary questions of the "what, why and so what." ​Here is your sneak peek of the insightful presentations with titles and memorable quotes from each Global Navigator...

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Overview of Sustainability by Morgan Wetzel "Sometimes they (Costa Rica) have so much geothermal energy they will even send it to other countries like Mexico." 

Waste Management by Akaylah Douglas “People are also the problem because they tend to do what is easier which is going to the store without thinking about it. Government will also do what is easier. It’s about changing the mentality of both and working harder to reduce our waste by being self-conscious.” 

Gender Equality and Sustainability in Chira Island by Avigail Bailon “Women rose up from their cookie-cutter role and began doing what they wanted to do. In La Amistad lodge (Chira Island), they started living their dream and creating a business around their values...We are one planet and Chira is a part of that planet.”

Sustainability: Where do we start? by Maya Berry “La Carpio is a side effect of urbanization. La Carpio is a home for immigrants and people with nowhere else to go. Located next to a landfill, it’s not as picturesque as the rest of Costa Rica.” 

Nuclear power by Ella Feinstein "All of the uranium used in nuclear reactions needs to be carefully monitored. But there are positive impacts: no greenhouse emissions and modern nuclear plants are relatively safe."

Why large sustainable cities are improbable if not impossible by Aiden Peschke “The three legs of sustainable are very much proportional but that can be a bad thing as well....when the economy fails the environment goes out just think about the U.S. financial crisis. No large city over 500,000 people has been able to find the balance...Our environment better is not good enough” -Aidan

Externalities of Trash by Lauren Mullen “Environmental injustice...Back at home I never thought about where my trash goes. After seeing it I am upset about how these unlucky people who don’t have a say in La Carpio...What I am taking from this trip is to stay mindful about what I buy...the practices the company are doing and the ethics behind the processing. I am going to go home and think about what I am purchasing."

Feeding a Hungry Planet by Julia Kosinski “It’s harder for smaller farms to compete because they may not be able to afford the technology required for large-scale farming...I would be an agro-ecological farmer, produce my own food, and then eat it."

How does Tourism affect Sustainability: Comparing Chira and Coco by Isabella Colmenar “I think the people we met and the stories we heard should be expanded such as in La Amistad. But I feel there has to be a way to maintain the social and cultural heart of Chira."

Renewable Energy by Cloe Panziera “There are strong social impacts that come from hydropower as we saw at Lake Arenal where people were displaced because of the hydropower plants...Renewable energy is one of the many options to help keep a sustainable planet. If we were to all use renewable energy, a big portion of sustainability problems would be solved."

Local Women Impacting their Community by Karime Sepulveda “My favorite part was visiting the co-ops and seeing how women impact the local economies."

Women: Past, Present, and Future by Portia Oparaocha “Working and owning a farm as a woman gave women the opportunity to employ and learn from other women. If women didn’t have jobs, a little over half of the population would not be contributing to the economy."

And a little wisdom from our guide...

“The more you know about your planet, the more you care about it.” - Jorge Torres