CPH Week 2

Programs for this blog post

Taking Climate Action

Authored By:

Keira Freeman

This week our students have had so many incredible experiences. These are just a few things they've done: 

-Visited a community garden at Amager Fælledvej and played in the park there- we even met some friendly goats 

-Explored the Rosenborg Palace and saw the crown jewels

-Took a Canal Boat Tour of Copenhagen along the Gammel Strand Harbour 

-Ate a delicious vegetarian meal at Folkehuset Absalon: an old church which hosts community style dinners along with so many different activities 

-Traveled to the largest aquarium in Northern Europe- Blå Planet Aquarium- and learned about climate change and its affect on the marine world 

-Painted with Kathryn Larsen using seaweed and microalgae

-Played Kubb/ Kongespil/ Vikingespil at King’s Garden

-Saw and experienced all the exhibits at the National Museum of Denmark

We had an awesome week and we are so excited because we leave tomorrow morning for Samsø!