Student Traveler

Charlie W.

Hyderabad, India
Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado

Charlie Wellington is a sculptor of sound, artist of people, storyteller, healer, witch, gender anarchist, and dreamer, among other things. Avidly interdisciplinary, Charlie likes to combine music with other art mediums, be that spoken word,  visual art, ritual performance, or something else entirely. They are studying music composition, psychology, creative writing and LGBT studies at the University of Colorado - Boulder.


Repeal of 377 - Queer in India (Part 1 - Celebration)

By Charlie W.

I remember when same-sex marriage was legalized in the United States, how my friend happened to be in Washington DC stumbling upon the celebration commencing, how so many people were... keep reading

Finding ground, Remembering essence

By Charlie W.

I have been here now for over a month. I don’t flinch as much from car horns. I know exactly how fast I need to walk to get to campus... keep reading