Two V's to know & be cool in Spain: Vale y Venga

Authored By:

Carla Jeane G.

Need to learn how express myself  in a cool way, like a local…so I wont look well...yes you guess it.... totally clueless. LOL

Aww!! Si!, here are the two must know words that need to become part of my Epañol dictionario.

Lets dissect = Vale y Venga


  • Okay, or wait shall I say…. Vale!!  Means okay
  • But, I must not confused saying “vale” in a question, like= Are you okay?  Or Is “that okay with you?


How is Vale used???

  • For saying things  like “sounds good”,  “okay, see you later” “it’s alright” “that is a deal”
  • Here is the scenario:

Do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow at noon?  (Quieres ir a almorzar manana a las doze?)

Anwer that: “Vale”

Yay! I am all set


  • Means “Alright!”
  • Used as a combo with Vale! Mostly to end a conversation

Vale! Venga! Hasta luego (Okay! Alright! See you later)

So, Vale! Y Venga Espana!!

Yo estoy lista!!!-

The coolest stuff ever! Vale