Programs for this blog post

Teach In Spain Program

Authored By:

Erika N.

     In bold letters on my to-do list read: “APPLY TO BE AN EXPERT CIEE BLOGGER.”

This is one of the other great perks that CIEE’s program has to offer. I was excited to embark on this new journey to teach abroad in Madrid, Spain. I have a strong passion for writing (something that I usually keep private.) But it’s a place where I can be completely vulnerable about what is on my mind. That’s why I made sure to apply for this opportunity, I thought “wait this would be a great way to capture my journey & to help other’s who may want to do the same in the future.”
 Once I had been accepted into the program (I found myself dancing with excitement and running around the house looking for my parents to tell them about the exciting news.) I immediately opened up my laptop and began writing my first blog post “La Aventura Comienza.” After posting my first blog I promised myself that I would post frequently. But after a month of living here in Madrid, I have let procrastination take the wheel. To be honest I found myself walking to my favorite coffee shop Plenti (I highly recommend you check this place out!) Where I would open up my laptop and immediately find an excuse to avoid writing my second blog. Every day I would say “tomorrow’s the day where I will officially write the second blog I promise… But now I know that I can no longer use that excuse. The world rewards action and saying that I will “write tomorrow” compared to putting forth the action of me actually writing has a major difference.
Here’s a tip I would love to share. Try to avoid letting “procrastination” take the wheel. Discipline yourself and sit down in your favorite coffee shop & apply for this program; because I promise you this adventure is entirely worth it.