A Little About Me

Programs for this blog post

Teach in Thailand Program

Authored By:

Molly C.

Hi there! My name is Molly Campbell and I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I just recently graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a major in linguistics emphasizing in sociological, anthropological, and interactional linguistics. There, I also received a minor in business and a certificate in writing. 

Although writing was not at the forefront of my college education, much of my life inside and outside of school revolved around it. I spent as much time as I could reading peoples work and writing poetry myself. During school I worked as a writing center tutor where I helped students find their voice and narrow in our their subjects. Helping others make their writing even just a smidge better was a highlight of my day. 

That brings us to teaching in Thailand! I graduated in May 2023 having the idea of working in writing, but not really knowing where to start. I knew that I wanted to travel and meet new people and build cultural knowledge, but not much beyond that. I then began talking to people, and quickly spoke with a friend who is teaching English in Spain and I was inspired. From my previous tutoring experience, I knew that I loved teaching and this opportunity offered me everything I wanted out of a post-grad program: travel, learning, and writing. When looking into CIEE, I knew that I wanted to be somewhere with a rich culture and amazing outdoors, and Thailand offered all of that and more! 

I decided to become a blogger because I felt like it would help me conceptualize my time here in a more memorable way, while also working on my craft. As well, being someone who struggles with staying connected via telephone, I am hoping this alleviates some of the challenges being abroad creates! 

In all, I am really looking forward to my time in Thailand and letting everyone see a glimpse of what my life is like here. To the next adventure and many more stories! 

Also, a small fun fact: this post was written at 4:30 in the morning as I am combating my jet lag... At least the sunrise was beautiful!