All About Orientation!

Programs for this blog post

Teach in Thailand Program

Authored By:

Molly C.

Arriving in a foreign country can bring on lots of feelings; my emotions have ranged from nervousness, being overwhelmed, and tired to eagerness, excitement, and extreme joy! This first week has altogether been such an adjustment, but it has really allowed me to feel these feelings and meet with people who are having similar experiences. Teach in Thailand orientation has been quite the ride so far and I am thrilled to share what to expect and how my orientation has been!

Personally, I felt like I needed a lot more information when I stepped off the plane in Bangkok. That being said, I knew that I was in good hands, so I tried not to worry. When we arrived at the hotel we received the itinerary for the week, listing the things we would be learning the next four days. Some of the seminars were the Thai language, health and safety, teaching preparations, and cultural activities. During these seminars all of my prior questions and reservations were answered. The OEG staff was extremely reassuring and looking out for our best interest!

During orientation, there were two large activities, one being the welcome dinner and the other an excursion to the Grand Palace. The welcome dinner was so much fun because we continued to connect with our fellow teachers while watching traditional Thai dancing. The dinner ended with one of my favorite activities... Karaoke! The next morning we took a trip to the Grand Palace. This was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. This sort of architecture is brand new to me and to call it stunning is an understatement. It was magnificent and all things you would expect to come out of the name "Grand Palace". Though the facades of the buildings were amazing, the stories told during the tour made it more fascinating. This trip just gave a smidge into the extensive rich history and culture in Thailand and I am so eager to learn more about it.

As wonderful and necessary as it was to learn all this information about the program, my favorite part of orientation was meeting all the new teachers and OEG staff! How incredible to be in a room full of like-minded individuals who are just as excited and grateful for the experience! Every single person I have spoken to is so kind and wanting to be successful during their time here in Thailand. Going out and exploring Bangkok with my new friends have been some of the best times I know I won't forget. Some of the activities we chose to do were to go to a night market, walk near the river and explore local restaurants, visit the famous Khao San Road, and go to the fourth largest mall in the world! Personally, the night market was the most fun. It was an art focused market with lots of clothing pop-ups, since fashion and art are something I have always admired, this was a perfect spot! 

Something to also take note of is although all these activities are wonderful, my jet lag has also played a significant role. It is important that during this time of adjustment you really make sure to prioritize taking care of yourself and listening to your body. Drink lots of water, rest when needed, and fuel your body with what you can! I keep forgetting that Thailand is my new home and I don't need to cram everything in these first few days. 

Teaching in Thailand orientation has been so much fun and the people I have met here are some friends that I will hopefully continue to keep for the duration of my program and many years beyond that. As the staff keeps preaching, this is only just the VERY beginning of your journey, so much comes next.