Upcoming Table Top Crisis Management Workshops

Authored By:

Bill Bull

How ready is your team to handle unexpected crises while abroad? If the answer is “not very” or “I don’t know,” consider attending one of the crisis management workshops CIEE’s Health, Safety, and Security team will be leading over the next year.

In a Table Top Crisis Management Workshop, attendees will be guided as they role play responses to various scenarios using an imaginary country and risk matrix. The simulations are designed to help participants better understand their own preparedness for handling unexpected events.

“Although the country was imaginary, the tools used to assess the hypothetical situations were real and are very useful when managing different issues that may arise while one is abroad,” said Dr. Stella Plutino-Calabrese, director of study abroad, St. John Fisher College, after attending a workshop earlier this year.

The current schedule of workshops is:

  • Villanova University: October 12, 2018
  • University of Miami: February 15, 2019
  • George Washington University: May 10, 2019

Academic Consortium member institutions in the area where the workshops are being held will receive an invitation closer to the event date.

If you are interested in learning more, please email membership@ciee.org.