Program Overview
Welcome To Professional Career Training USA!
As a pioneer and leader in international cultural exchange, CIEE makes it easy for U.S. organizations of all types and sizes to offer training opportunities to bright, committed international professionals through the U.S. Department of State’s J-1 Visa program.
To participate in the J-1 Trainee Program, the U.S.-based host organization must be able to provide a structured, practical training experience in the trainee’s professional field, while abiding by some key program regulations. Because the purpose of the program is to foster professional exchange, the host organization is expected to ensure that a formal training plan is followed for the duration of the program.
Host Organizations
Host organizations for professional training programs include American businesses, nonprofits, government offices, and educational institutions. The host organization:
- Offers positions that promote professional development and exchange
- Supervises and trains participants during the program by executing the training plan
- Provides opportunities for cultural exchange for participants
CIEE is a leading J-1 Visa sponsor – in fact, one of the largest J-1 sponsors – entrusted by the U.S. government to manage the program. While every sponsor must comply with J-1 Visa rules, CIEE goes further by offering the highest level of service and value to participants and host organizations.
Making International Connections
Professional career training programs are for international professionals who already have begun their careers. It’s the type of career step that appeals to highly motivated individuals – your next generation of management leadership.
As you probably know, many larger global companies include international tours of duty as a regular feature of their professional development programs. In fact, these days it’s rare to find a senior manager in a multinational organization who hasn’t spent some time working abroad.
In today’s global economy, any company can benefit from knowing more about other cultures. That’s true whether you’re trying to compete in new markets, or just trying to figure out what your colleagues in New York (or Tokyo, or Berlin) are really thinking.

Lifelong Contacts And Lifelong Friendships
Anyone who has worked or trained overseas will tell you that the relationships formed during this pivotal time of his or her professional life last well beyond the bon voyage celebration. Having a personal connection and local perspective not only facilitates communication, it makes it easier to do business – for both parties.

Establishing Training Links With U.S. Organizations
In some cases, international organizations send staff members to train with their U.S. counterparts. Sometimes, companies establish exchange training programs with like-minded, but unaffiliated, U.S. firms. Often, the selection of the host organization is entirely the responsibility of the trainee.
Of course, CIEE international representatives are also ready to lend a hand wherever possible. While they don’t actually find positions for applicants, they can be tremendously helpful.