
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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Why Are Gap Year Abroad Programs More Common Among Europeans vs. U.S. Students?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

A gap year program, a year-long break between high school and college to study, travel and volunteer, is becoming an increasingly more popular option for students in the U.S. It's... keep reading


Your Quick Guide to Taking a Gap Year in Spain

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

A gap year in Spain is the opportunity to take time after high school to pursue an international learning experience before beginning a formal college education. It's exciting to see... keep reading


What Parents Should Know Before Their Teen Goes on a Gap Year Abroad

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

So, your independent teen with dreams of living abroad has taken it upon themselves to do a gap year after high school? Spending a gap year abroad can be a... keep reading


Why a Gap Year Abroad Is the Perfect Next Step for Your Teen

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you have a teenager getting ready to graduate high school, you may have heard of the idea of a "gap year" and have questions about it. A gap year... keep reading


Discoveries within the Daily Life of Kyoto

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you’re here, you’re looking right at the immersive program at CIEE. Maybe you have questions: What will life be like? What to expect, what to be aware of, and... keep reading


Everything You Need to Know About Taking a Gap Year

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Thinking about taking a gap year abroad? You may have a lot of questions varying from cost to length of time, and even where to go. Big decisions can be... keep reading


It´s not goodbye, it´s hasta luego

By Sergio Jimenez at CIEE

Our GAP program ended last week and althought we are sad to see our participants go, we are extremelly happy to have been able to offer a program that offers... keep reading


Exploring medieval castles in Sevilla

By Sergio Jimenez at CIEE

Our GAP students got the opportunity to explore two of the most important towns in the province of Seville: Alcalá de Guadaira and Utrera. Alcalá’s castle is the result of... keep reading


This could be you!

By Sergio Jimenez at CIEE

Our GAP participants get to enjoy two activities per week. These activities can go from a varity of choices: cooking class, exploring museums, visiting churches, learning the rich history of... keep reading


Exploring Roman ruins...

By Sergio Jimenez at CIEE

Our GAP students went on a day trip to Itálica, Sevilla. Italica was an important Roman cultural center as well as one of the first Roman settlements in Spain. If... keep reading

Meet Ivana Madeline

By Ivana Madeline S.

Hey y’all! My name is Ivana Madeline Samson and I’m originally from Southern California. I’m currently 18 years old, but I’ll soon be 19 during abroad! I am part of... keep reading

Exploring the East Side Gallery: Art and History in Berlin

By Lucia H.

Earlier this week I visited the East Side Gallery, which is a large section of the Berlin wall that has been covered in beautiful works of graffiti art. The East... keep reading

A Free Day at Charlottenburg Palace and Gardens

By Lucia H.

Last week I found myself with a weekday free from any work or CIEE related commitments, and absolutely perfect sunny weather. So what did I do? I hopped on the... keep reading

greatest hits (self roast post)

By Rachel F.

Well, my time here in Japan is coming to a close and I’m honestly really upset about it. I mean, it hasn’t actually hit me that I’m leaving, but the... keep reading

recent activities

By Rachel F.

Every day is an adventure here in Tokyo. While that sounds incredibly cheesy, it’s the truth. Tokyo is a gigantic city with an endless amount of things to do. Not... keep reading