Brand Center FAQs
Why is brand management important?
The CIEE brand is one of our organization’s most valuable assets. It must always be presented in an impactful way that not only cuts through the clutter, but also elevates CIEE’s image in the marketplace. To protect our brand identity, we need to be consistent and follow the guidelines outlined on this site.
Where can I find my site logo?
Your site logo is in the Downloads section under the tab, CIEE LOGO and SITE ARTWORK.
Which file format should I use for the CIEE Logo?
You will find Adobe Illustrator (AI), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), JPG, and PNG files for all logos. AI files contain original artwork and should not be used. EPS files should be used for all print content. JPG and PNG files can be used on the web.
How do I download the letterhead?
The letterhead is located in the Downloads section under stationary. You must have Adobe Illustrator on your computer in order to download the letterhead.
How do I install the fonts?
Unless you are creating marketing materials for print and/or web, there is no need to install the fonts. The fonts are located in the Downloads section under typography and fonts. Click the “downloads font” link. In some instances, you may need the assistance of IT for successful installation.
Does anyone other than the art director need PMS coated versus uncoated colors?
When should I begin converting to the new brand guidelines?
You should begin converting to the new brand guidelines as soon as possible. In particular, sites are encouraged to align their social media pages with brand guidelines immediately. All other brand guidelines should be in place by December 2020.
I have material with the old logo. Should I throw it out?
No. Use existing marketing materials until you run out.
Do I have to use the global smile?
No. But it’s a graphic option you can take advantage of if your design allows. Please see Application Guidelines for correct usage.
When should I update my email signature?
All employees should be instructed to update their email signature as soon as possible. Instructions are included in the Downloads section, under custom email signature.