Authored By:

Maggie G.

My beautiful friend Molly in a "Chino" shop. These shops are all over Cádiz and Sevilla and usually have "Bazaar" in their name. These shops are usually run by someone of Asian descent and have everything for super cheap. It's like a better stocked dollar store. You'll walk in and think "I bet they won't have this thing I need" and sure enough they will, and for much, much cheaper than you were willing to pay. So far I've found a gym lock, a phone charger, closet hangers, bobby pins, stockings, mouth wash, a notebook and a super cute wallet. When our guide first told us the colloquial name we were a bit taken a back. He said that it's "not meant in a derogatory way" but somehow I don't think the people who run the shops would say the same.