Helping Students Adjust

With more than 1,600 students per year coming from 55 countries, CIEE High School Exchange USA reflects diverse economic, religious, and political backgrounds. While we go to great lengths to help students adjust through orientation and careful host-family matching, you may encounter some challenges while they get acclimated to their new surroundings.

Connect with your Local Coordinator (LC) if you have questions about how to best support your exchange students. CIEE LCs receive ongoing training on a range of issues likely to come up during the program. They also work with our experienced staff members at CIEE headquarters when more assistance is necessary.

A little extra effort can go a long way toward making your CIEE student feel welcome and respected. Encourage participation and interaction with classmates – perhaps by suggesting that the visiting student give a talk or demonstration about his/her home country.

Some students have trouble fitting in and maintaining their grades. Notify your LC or CIEE if your student is having academic issues. Please include a recent copy of the grade report. Your Local Coordinator is trained to help you, and it’s part of his/her role to actively monitor each student’s social adjustment and performance.