Autumn Antics

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High School Abroad in France

Authored By:

Mandy G.

I am but a Yellow Leaf on a Tree 

On October 13th, only 3 months remained of my semester abroad. Today, I have even less time, and I’m determined to make the most of these last few months and experience as much as I can before I'm shipped back home to Junior Year Stress-ville.
So, a quick recap of the last few weeks since I’ve been pretty absent blogging wise:

Je suis allée aux Bruxelles! 

Où je me suis assis sur la chaise de Hagrid à l'Éxpo de Harry Potter et j'ai mangé vol-au-vent (aka French Chicken Pot Pie).

J'ai voyagé à Canterbury, l'Angleterre

Où on a erré les rues,

Et j'ai appris quelques choses...

  1. I'm pretty used to French.

I constantly found myself saying "Pardon" as I bumped into people meandering the streets and accidentally asked my server at a restaurant if I could "avoir un peu plus d'eau, s'il vous plaît". Not to mention that awkward moment at Yankee Candle when I couldn't figure out the english equivalent to "C'est pas grâve" when the lady told me that they no longer carry my favorite holiday scent.  (Just in case your wondering... It's called Home for the Holidays and it is basically a wax version of Christmas)

2. It's better than okay to strut away and go your own way (I'm so sorry that rhymed)

For some reason, my host family was bound and determined to eat Burger King for lunch. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Burger King but A. it’s fast food, and B. I didn’t come all the way to England to eat something I could have any time in the US. I tried to subtly (or not so subtly) make it clear that I wanted something new and suggest other options for lunch, but my family had their hearts set on Burger King. After a bit of frustrated mumbling in English and a few dramatic sighs, I realized that this was my chance to experience Canterbury, and while my host family could come back anytime, I will probably never return to this town in autumn with a wallet full of pounds to spend. I told my host mom that I would meet her in an hour and I marched off to a little restaurant that can best be described as a fitness blogger’s Pinterest board where I ate this: 

You are currently looking at chia seed pancakes with caramelized bananas and toasted coconut popcorn, and yes, it was as delicious as it was aesthetically pleasing. I sat alone at a high top table at this tiny little restaurant, “ The Skinny Breakfast”, journaling in my notebook, listening to coffee-house-acoustic music, and sipping water from a mason jar as I waited for my pancakes. I didn’t feel lonely nor did I feel bad about ditching my family at Burger King; I felt amazing.

Moral of the story: Don’t be afraid to go off and explore on your own. Don’t get pulled into doing something that you don’t want to do or you’ll be regretting where you didn’t go for the rest of the day. 

3. God, I miss Fall in New England

Fall is by far my favorite season, with its cozy warm sweaters, beanies, colorful leaves, and seasonal beverages such as the ever famous pumpkin spice latte and my personal favorite, hot apple cider. Fall is the season of  Winter Holiday anticipation, Thanksgiving, and cross country, my favorite time of year to run through the woods as the leaves turn. Even though the leaves do change in France, there aren't many trees which means no walks through the woods and no matter how hard I look, I can't seem to find apple cider. Not gonna lie, all I wanted to do was ship myself back home to make Hug-Me-Hot Chocolates for me and my dad while we watch the Bruins game in our Jerseys and smell the roast chicken alive with herbs and the sweet scent of cinnamon as my mom pulls the roasted apples and bird out of the oven on a Saturday evening.

Sunset watching from the fare way of the golf course behind my house, running across the dam at the State Park after school, Walking home from the bus stop in the afternoon crushing colorful leaves with my riding boots... I probably spent hours during class day-dreaming about what I would be doing back home, and not gonna lie, I got a little teary-eyed.

Because despite everything that I love about France, nothing makes me as warm and fuzzy feeling than when I think about home. I treasure every chance I have to go to Lille and drink a latte and even started baking all my favorite sweets that remind me of Fall time in France. Banana bread, chai tea, apple cinnamon swirl coffee cake, cheesecake blondies, and candles make my house here in France smell like home. Nevertheless, I'm still heartbroken when I realize that I'm going to miss the entire fall season. No Thanksgiving, No Halloween, No birthday Bruins game.

I'll get over it... It's just the October Blues. I'll focus on school and writing and I'll dress myself in oversized sweaters and knee socks so my soul doesn't fall through my toes, and I'll keep falling in love with France with each Autumn Day.