
High School Semester Abroad Blog

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Service and Leadership Takes on Yucatecan Cuisine

By Josie M.

In addition to their daily workshops and service in the community, students in the Service and Leadership program also participate in cultural activities each afternoon. These activities allow them to... keep reading

Comedor Zarigueyas

By Josie M.

Throughout the last several weeks of service, students have been exposed to various community organizations that provide nutrition to communities in Merida. On Monday, students visited a community in Merida... keep reading

The Scientific Community of Sisal

By Josie M.

Often scientists and researchers are perceived as professionals who work behind closed doors in labs, far from the view of the general public. On Tuesday, students had the opportunity to... keep reading

Visiting a Community Kitchen

By Josie M.

The saying goes that many hands make light work, and that is exactly what we saw on display on Monday for our first service activity of the week. After their... keep reading

Fun at Parque de Atracciones Madrid

By Sofia D.

After an intense first week of academics and cultural immersion, our study abroad group was ready to unwind. We had spent the week adjusting to Spanish life, attending Spanish classes... keep reading

Beach Day

By Josie M.

This past Saturday, students ended week one with an excursion to the beach. After the group met at a local mall we made our way one hour north to the... keep reading

Apiary Visit

By Josie M.

As you drive through Merida, you will see many small businesses dispersed throughout the city center and residential areas. It is hard to ignore the beauty and significance of these... keep reading

Orientation at AMANC!

By Josie M.

On Tuesday, our second full day in Yucatan we visited our primary service location, AMANC, The Mexican Association for Helping Children with Cancer. We toured the building and met a... keep reading

Arriving to Merida!

By Josie M.

The Service and Leadership program students have arrived in Merida! We are grateful for only a few short delays as a result of Hurricane Beryl. Students were greeted by their... keep reading

Reflections Post-Program: High School Abroad in Italy

By Ayana L.

These past nine months have simultaneously been the most incredible, life-changing, and difficult months of my life. I knew I was signing up for something extraordinary even before I came... keep reading


Spring 2024 HSA Photo Contest Finalists

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

We’re pleased to announce the finalists in our Spring 2024 CIEE High School Semester Abroad photo contest! Head over to our Instagram page to vote for your favorite. Voting is... keep reading


Behind the Scenes of a 留学生 (Ryuugakuse: Exchange Student)

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

“Ladies and gentlemen, Japan Airlines is pleased to welcome you to Tokyo. The local time is 22:34. Thank you for flying with us today, and we hope you fly with... keep reading

Italy: A Day in My Life

By Ayana L.

I am currently studying abroad in Fano, a seaside town on the coast of the Adriatic Sea in the region of Marche, Italy. For me, a typical school day in... keep reading


Your First Two Months Abroad In Denmark

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Authored By: Elly Beckman Going abroad is a very scary experience. You’re away from friends, family, and home, to be honest. There can be tough times, but there can also... keep reading


From Arrival to Adieu: The HSA Experience

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Imagine stepping off the plane into a new country, ready to explore a vibrant culture and meet friends from around the world. This is the reality for every CIEE High... keep reading