Gap Year Abroad Blog
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How to Defer College Acceptance for a Gap Year Abroad
More and more graduates are taking a gap year after high school, for good reason! A gap year abroad provides an opportunity to spread your wings and see the world... keep reading
What Parents Should Know Before Their Teen Goes on a Gap Year Abroad
So, your independent teen with dreams of living abroad has taken it upon themselves to do a gap year after high school? Spending a gap year abroad can be a... keep reading
Why a Gap Year Abroad Is the Perfect Next Step for Your Teen
If you have a teenager getting ready to graduate high school, you may have heard of the idea of a "gap year" and have questions about it. A gap year... keep reading
Deferring for a year is not popular in the U.S. Many people don’t even know what it is. When I told friends and family that I deferred from the University... keep reading
it's a choice
The choice to take a gap year is, obviously, different for everybody. It takes a lot of consideration and several variables to even begin considering if taking a year between... keep reading