Sea Ya Later!

Authored By:

Grace J.

The coolest thing about Chile, especially where I live in Valparaiso. Is that the scenery is to die for, theres a stunning ocean and off in the distance you can see the towering rocky hills and behind those are the colossal snow peaked mountains. Thousands of plants dot the land, palm trees, pine trees, eucalyptus trees and countless of other species. Unfortunatly where I live the most popular living thing on land are the hundreads of stray dogs, but the water is a different story, underneath the coolness of the blue liquid swim sea lions. I have seen sea lions of course, like the famous Sparky at Como Zoo who has always caught my eye as he performed his tricks, but it's always a refresher when you get the chance to see an animal uncaged, playing in it's natural habitat, and having the oppurtunity to go where they please. Of course this can lead to a whole debate, but that's for another day. 

The sea lions of Valparaiso can be found in certain spots at night where they get together for their bedtime. This spot can be found just off the beach ontop of an old, broken down concrete bridge. High out of the water and away from danger, the seals gather, but first they have to make it up, which can be difficult if all you have is two fins and a tail and a 10-15ft leap out of the water. My favorite part about seal watching is rooting them on, they jump, some stick the landing while others fall back into the deep blue only to try again until they succeed. 

I learned something by watching those seals, as corny as it sounds this was the lesson, never give up. Each seal would attempt the challenge, some got it right away while others failed countless times, but no matter if it was the 2nd time or the 10th, each one always succeeded in the end. Why? Because they never gave up. Ya that was the cornyest thing I have ever said in my life, luckily I have plenty more years to say even more.