My Foster Cat: Dahlia
Hi folks!
A lot has happened since my last blog post. I went to the most important and fun cross country meet in the season, my Host brother turned 4 years old, my Host brothers grandmother visited from Oregon and much more. One of the most exciting things that happened was that I got a Foster Cat.
I don't know how I convinced my host mother to get me a Foster Cat (you provide a home for a cat till she/he gets adopted) but there is now a cute cat in my room named Dahlia. Everything started with my Host brother because he caught a grasshopper and had it as a pet in his room inside a terrarium. I was thinking about getting a small pet for me too and mentioned it my host mother. We were talking very much about it and at one point we decided to sign up for a Foster Cat program. After less than a week we got a call - we were invited to meet a cat which would fit in our family and our conditions. After we visited the shelter and everyone fell in love with her they approved us and brought her over.
She is approximately 7 years old and she is already a part of our family. We introduced her to Summer and Sissy and they seem to get along with each other especially with summer. We got her from Emerald City Pet Rescue which is a non-profit organization. They provide her food, Cat supplies like a food-bowl and toys and her medicines. She is a very playful, curious and lovely cat. She has very much energy so my Host family and I can play very much with her. I really hope that she gets adopted as soon as possible and comes into a very nice family - not too soon :)
I strongly recommend helping cats and all other kinds of pets to get a new home even if it is just a temporary home. It is not only positive for the pet, but it is also positive for you too. You get to have a pet, take care of it and be responsible. It was the best decision we could have made.
It is almost Halloween and I am already thinking about my costume but I won’t tell you yet what it is. It will be my first real Halloween and I hope it is going to be fun.
I will talk about the differences between the US and the German school system in my next blog post.
If you live in the United States or in Germany and you want to get a scholarship for a year abroad than you should sign up for the PPP/CBYX. This is the scholarship I am in the US with. (For more information check out the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange website.)
I hope my blog is interesting and informative for you.
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