September Market

Authored By:

Aishna D.


In September (whoops I'm a little behind), my small host town held a small market night. The market appeared to be a festival in the town where locals and people from neighboring towns came by for live, outdoor musical performances, lots of food, and stalls with special products from the town’s stores. It was a truly enchanting experience. The town was flooded with people and with the nature of a small town, we ran into an old friend at every corner. 

My host family and I began at the entrance of the town and were immediately met by a small crowd surrounding a percussion group from a nearby town.  This group used a variety of drums to create music, implementing crowd involvement, and creating a lively and welcoming environment. After that, we found local pop bands, the town choir, and a wide variety of music scattered across dozens of groups. We listened to classical strings, country singers, and some English music. We walked through the festival, finding unique teas, upcoming artists, and tastes of the next season’s clothes. We also stopped at Beer Gardens and Wurst shops, making sure to leave with full stomachs. 

In a night of celebration and fun, the market was able to bring a town together. Conversations in a variety of languages covering various topics made strangers seem approachable and let an air of ease and openness settle. Overall, the market was an exciting and culturally fascinating event. Hopefully, the town will have more events to help step away from the routine of everyday life and celebrate as one as they did that night.