My trip to Colorado

Authored By:

Karelia E.

My host family took me to Colorado, and it was amazing! We went to Colorado to visit their family and for me to see the mountains and a new state.

The Flight

So, there I was waking up at 3 am to go to the airport. My suitcase was all ready. I have two host siblings. My host brother is just two months older than me, and my host sister is twelve. It was so nice traveling with them and during all the hours at the airport and airplane we kept each other entertained. 

Day 1

And then I breathed the air from Colorado for the first time. The first thing we did was visit the old university of my host mom. It was super windy. At some point, it was so windy that I was scared my host sister would fly away, luckily, she didn’t. Then we met the sister of my host father and her daughter the same age as my host sister. They both were really nice to me, and we went to eat together. There I ate probably one of the most American things possible, called “Grits”. I give it a 4 out of 10 because it was slimy and glibberly which seems like a really weird texture for food.  After that, we made a little trip into the mountains where my host parents got married. It was beautiful. The view of the mountains and the snow on top looked like straight out of a dream. During the time we were in Colorado, we stayed at my host aunt’s house. She lived in the most American neighborhood ever, exactly how it is in the movies.

Day 2

On day two, more family arrived, my host grandparents from Florida. (Spoiler: during spring break I am going to visit them in Florida). That day we made a long trip to the mountains. It was sunny but not warm enough to go out without a jacket. On our way, we stopped at a little store (and it was really American). It had a wooden tower, and the view was beautiful. I obviously got some souvenirs for me and my parents in Germany, oh and some treats obviously. After that, we went to the Stanley hotel. For those who don’t know the tourist factor of the hotel let me refresh your memory. The Stanley Hotel is the hotel Stephen King was inspired by for the setting from “The Shining”. It had some original props and the Otis elevator from 1901 that looked really creepy. After taking endless pictures and enjoying the view we went downtown. There was a little town in between the mountains that had some cute stores and some restaurants. We also found a candy store. The store had cursed sodas. Not normal sodas like cola or sprite but flavors like “Pirate Piss”, “Unicorn Yack”, “Peanut butter” (obviously we are in America), or “barf” with the description “extra chunky flavor”. You are probably wondering if we bought them. Yes of course! We tried them all and some of them were actually really good. 

Day 3

Day three was more of a relaxing day. We went into a really big store it had a Faris wheel inside of it. After that, we ate some fast food and went swimming. Later that day us kids had a movie night, but the exciting stuff happened the next day. 

Day 4

I vlogged my fourth day on Instagram (far_from_home_22.23). Go follow me there if you want to learn more about my life in America. A little spoiler: We went to a big arcade that had lots of other stuff too and even did an escape room. 

Day 5 and flight back

The fifth day of my trip was also my last day in Colorado. We spend most of it just hanging around the family and eating some delicious food. Then it was packing time and shortly after we were already on our way back to the airport. I was sad because they were so nice and the thought of never seeing them again was really scary. At least I will see my host grandparents again. Our trip back felt way longer. Not only were there way more people but through our fast line we were more than an hour early. Then our plane had some issues, and we were on the plane waiting for around 45 min. Our pilot was really cool and played two little games, giving away candy to the winners. Sadly, we did not win. During the flight itself, we had really strong turbulence. I believe it was the strongest turbulence I’ve ever experienced. I was scared my drink would flow over and I needed to move it around and hold it so it wouldn’t. It was scary but funny too. 

So how was Colorado now? In three words. Cold, amazing, and exciting