My American First

Authored By:

Qingyang L.

Hi Everyone!  

Thanks for waiting! Today let's talk about some American First!

 For the first time I know that I'm probabaly a cat person and they do love me a lot......which really surprised me, as we all know 'like charges repel'......even if I have my lovable disposition.

♦ It's the first time I tried a thing called Flash Cards (highly  recommend) which is super helpful for memorizing study and helped me crushed my biology test. Seriously, I'm so glad I got a 100% on that one and replaced my another 30% quiz perfectly.

♦ I went to my first American haunted trail yesterday which reminded me again that I'm such a weird person with some weird nerves. I always assure myself I love haunted house a lot, but actually I just felt so scared during it and feel nothing after that.

♦ The first time we went to the theatre was 2 weeks ago. And that's also the first time I asked my American friends to hang out-- The movie was ''Adam's Family.''

♦ I watched my first American high school football game. YES IT IS our school and we got like about 70 points which is actually impressive in a sense. I attended my American Homecoming dance...which was a little boring as it was more like a ''couple's thing'' or a ''party girl's thing'' than a ''Cherry's thing''.

♦ I read the Hunger Game finally (And I'm so proud of myself that it's in English!). Then I even started trying to handle Jane Austen's book which sounds slightly insane.

Interesting Facts 

I learned my favourite English word 'potentially' from a boy in my Maths class. I learned the phrase 'foot asleep' from a friend in my biology class and taught it to another exchange student (OMG hahaha). I knew 'three times is a charm', 'two times is a roll', 'Sharing is caring' . And I just learnt to admire the appearance of Tom Holland (You should know that he is only an actor from England! Just in case my parents misthinking this line!!).I tried out for the winter play and unfortunatelly failed. Anyway it only determined my mind of being a part, which is probably a important role in an opera one day!

Qingyang LI .李清扬. Cherry