First Impressions : Host Family Life in Surwold

Authored By:

Victoria N.

I love it here! 

My host family has made my transition so easy! We have open communication, and they have supported me with issues concerning my school, visa, and upcoming internship. I have been helping them renovate the barn for their horses and it is a lot of work! Our schedules are compatible and, I already feel like another member of their already large family.

I live in a small town but am attending school in the larger, neighboring city. After school I occasionally walk to the city center and enjoy a cappuccino or a delicious slice of pie. I rely on public transportation a lot, and it took me a while to master the different bus routes, but I got the hang of it! These past few weeks have tested my adaptability skills, and I am deffinately learning a lot. I am so excited for the months to come!