About Local Coordinators

What is a CIEE Local Coordinator? We are glad you asked! A Local Coordinator (LC) is a highly trained representative of CIEE who lives in (or near) your community. They are there to support you and your host family throughout your High School USA program.

What your LC does
Your LC is responsible for

  • Finding you a host family.
  • Assisting with your school placement.
  • Coordinating airport pick-up upon your arrival in your host community.
  • Providing support to you and your host family throughout your program.
  • Answering all questions and helping to resolve any problems should they arise.
  • Checking in (at least once per month) to see how you are doing.

When to contact your LC
You don’t need to wait for you LC to reach out to you. You can contact your LC whenever you need help, advice, or just want to ask a question!

Here are a few circumstances in which you should contact your LC:

  • When you arrive in the U.S. (or in your host community)
  • If you have questions about your school
  • If you are feeling homesick
  • If you have questions or concerns about your host family

How to contact your LC
You will receive contact information for you LC prior to your departure to the U.S. or at your orientation upon arrival. This contact information usually includes both a phone number and an email address, making it easy to contact your LC whenever you need them.

If you have questions or concerns about your LC, please contact us.