High School Semester Abroad Blog
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Cake by the ocean
Our HSA students were able to travel to Cádiz, the most Southern city in Europe. Cadiz, half island, half peninsula, is connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of... keep reading
The French School System
Moving to a new country can be incredibly daunting; add getting used to a new school system on top of that, and study abroad can seem overwhelming. Before I left... keep reading
What to Expect in a Chilean High School
CIEE is not currently offering programs in Chile, but check out our other programs around the world. After six weeks of school in Chile, the following striking differences between American... keep reading
Learning Something New
Time flies when you don't understand what is going on, which is how I feel 85% of the time at school. I go to school at Colegio Sagrado Corazón in... keep reading