An Unexpected Encounter.

Authored By:

Kameron W.


You walked 3 miles today, in the heat, sweating like a runaway slave. Struggling to find the directions to the East SIde Gallery Place, your and Naomi's phone decided to glitch and betray you. Sweat dripping down your face, irritating your skin and eyes, you felt like crying. You're confused, tired, and annoyed. The last thing you needed was a Belin-er screaming at you because you do not speak German, let alone some man taking your purse. Nevertheless, you're confronted by a smiling face, welcome to help you. Your eyes widen, you gasped, as they speak English to you. Nevertheless, the only phrase that came to your mind was "Hola. como esta"? Unfortunately, your confused mind equated every foreign language into Spanish, and since you don't have a filter, you began to thank and give grace to him in Spanish. After three whole minutes of praise, all of you stand in silence, for the local did not anticipate it. Staring into your soul, you get back to your senses, ready to speak English again. In America, people avoid others like the plague, which having someone approach you was quite strange. You stood in shock, trying to understand the situation, all the while trying to comprehend the directions. Dedicated to helping you get in your direction, he almost missed his train. He wished you good luck and leaves. Your ideas changed, and you reflected on the moment.