Jairo 16M Spain

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am a pleasant person to spend time with, and also have a very goofy sense of humor. I would also say I am pretty sociable for an introvert. I like playing videogames and creating my own series of them, which I love to talk about. That includes programming, drawing, creating characters, creating the story... And it is what I want to work on in the future. While on my program, I would like to join the drama club, as I like to act in films I make with my friends. I love animals, specially cats.


  • Video Games
  • Programming
  • Acting
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Playing Cards

Host Family Letter:

Dear Future Host Family,

I firstly would like to express my gratitude for considering accepting me as your host for the next course. The purpose of this letter is to tell you more about me.

When there’s school, I do my homework right after eating lunch when I get home. Then, if I don’t have any exam to study, my free time starts: I like playing videogames and creating them: I enjoy drawing, programming, thinking about the story, etc. I like spending time with my friends (online or playing card games) or with my family (playing boardgames and watching films). Then, I do my daily lesson of Duolingo and workout.

At weekends, it’s mostly the same except at the morning I clean my room and the house and also have more free time. I’m a great student who always aims to get the best marks. My favorite subjects are History and Technology, as they both are connected in some way to what I want to work on in the future: My own series of videogames.

What makes me unique is my endless imagination and capacity to take on with many problems I might face in life. I may have my ups and downs, but at the end of the day I always know how to deal with the adversities of life. Besides, I've been told many times by teachers and my friends’ parents that I’m a good influence for other people and a very pleasant person to talk to. My friends have described me as a comprehensive, caring and attentive person.

Thank you for considering me as a member of your family.

Best wishes.

Parent Letter:

Dear Future Host Family,

We express our gratitude for the upcoming opportunity for our son to join your family. Coming from a culturally rich and friendly town in the heart of Spain, we, as a family, prioritize education, communication, and respect as the foundation of our bond.

From an early age, we taught our children the values of responsibility, respect for others, tolerance, perseverance, and curiosity. Quality time together has been a constant, whether engaging in board games, exploring cultural sites, attending the theatre or cinema, or sharing stories around the dinner table.

At home, our son has taken responsibilities, participating in household chores that teach practical skills, solidarity, and respect for shared spaces. His effective time management and commitment to studies are evident in his academic achievements.

While he possesses virtues such as kindness, resilience, responsibility, openness, and respect, he, like anyone, has imperfections, particularly when absorbed in something interesting.

Concerned about our son's well-being during his time away, we trust your family to provide a supportive and nurturing environment, ensuring he feels a sense of belonging.

We view this exchange not just as an educational journey but as an opportunity to forge cultural bridges and contribute to a more interconnected global community. We eagerly anticipate the positive experiences and mutual learning this opportunity will bring.

Best Regards.